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Year Honored: 2017
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina


Victor Vaisman is recognized for his 50 years as lay leader of Maccabi Argentina, CLAM (Latin America Maccabi Federation), HACOAJ (Club Nautico Hacoaj) – the original Argentine Jewish sports club, FACCMA (Federacion Argentine de Centros Comunitarios Macabeos), and Maccabi World Union, during which he set a standard of commitment and dedication.

As president of CLAM for 16 years, Vaisman's "recovery of small communities" program revived areas that had reduced their participation in the Jewish sports world, including Brazil, who sent more than 400 athletes to the 15th Maccabiah Games. He had similar success with Jewish athletes in Chile and Peru.

Vaisman was also vice-president of the World Confederation of Jewish Community Centers (WCJCC), and chair of ten Pan-American Maccabi Games.

He has participated in the World Maccabiah Games since the mid-1970s as an athlete, coach, chef de mission, and International Sports Committee Chairman.

As recipient of Maccabi's Yakir Award in 2013, he was recognized for bringing leadership, creativity and a profound human touch to the Latin America and Argentina Jewish communities, allowing them to manage their organizations through difficult years.

Vaisman was also awarded the Shem Tov Award by FACCMA.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually, honoring those individuals who have made significant contributions to the State of Israel and society through sports.

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