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Year Honored: 2020
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel


Sylvan Adams, a Canadian-born businessman and philanthropist, is known as the "self-appointed Ambassador at large for the State of Israel". Since his alyiah to the Holy Land in 2016, Israeli government officials, and foreign dignitaries have recognized his steadfast commitment to promoting Israel and enhancing the daily lives of its citizens.

Sylvan's philanthropic investments are focused on two themes: (a) Promotion of Israel both abroad and internally, through innovative, non-polemical means, such as sport and cultural activities. (b) Promotion of Jewish Identity in the diaspora, or as he likes to call it, "ensuring Jewish grandchildren."

An amateur cycling champion himself, Sylvan is a co-owner of Israel's first professional cycling team, Israeli Cycling Academy, founded in 2014, which competes throughout the world as an ambassador for the home country. He also fostered establishment of the first cycling velodrome in the Middle East, featuring a state of the art 250-meter wooden track near the Olympic Center in Tel Aviv. The Sylvan Adams National Velodrome will host the 2021 Junior World Track Cycling championships, one of many international events this facility will offer.

He is also the driving force behind Tel Aviv's Sylvan Adams commuter bicycle path network, which he envisions as a step along the path to transforming his city into an Amsterdam of the Middle East.

Other projects include the creation of a sports excellence institute at Tel Aviv University (where he is a Vice-Chair) aimed at converting Israeli athletic potential into Olympic medals; the construction of a children's hospital at Wolfson Hospital in Holon to serve underprivileged children; revolutionizing the field of emergency medicine with a new emergency room at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv; a project to supply laptops to special education teachers; and a scholarship program for promising artists.

Sylvan Adams, who served as the CEO of Montreal-based real estate firm Iberville Developments, and was the sole shareholder of Summit International Bank, is the only Israeli member of the 'Giving Pledge', an organization begun by Warren Buffet together with Bill and Melinda Gates for billionaires committed (in writing, as signers of the "pledge") to give away the majority of their wealth to philanthropic pursuits.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually, honoring those individuals who have made significant contributions to the State of Israel and society through sports.

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