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Sport: Boxing
Inducted: 1985
Country: USA
Born: November 3, 1887
Died: June 25, 1972


Nat Fleischer was a founder of The Ring magazine in 1922, and an institution as the publication’s editor until his death in 1972. The Ring is “the bible” of the prize ring.

Fleischer was considered the world’s most influential boxing authority. He acquired sole ownership of the monthly The Ring in 1929 and devoted his life to it and to boxing.

A sportswriter for several New York City newspapers prior to his association with The Ring, Fleischer wrote more than 40 million words on boxing during his career, including 57 books. He is one of the founders of the Boxing Hall of Fame and Museum.

Fleischer not only refereed and judged more than a thousand fights, but participated in the awarding of championship belts and assisted in establishing boxing commissions throughout the world.

Nat Fleischer was elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990.

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