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Year Honored: 2010
Location: Ramat Hachayal, Israel


The Chairman of the Board of Israel's GITAM/BBDO and the PORTER NOVELLI Company, Moshe Theumim headed a group of Israeli businessmen who purchased the floundering Hapoel Tel-Aviv Soccer Club in 1997, and managed it to 1998 and 1999 Israel National Cup championships.

Under Theumim, Hapoel Tel Aviv expanded the Club's professional activities to include a comprehensive program directed at employing soccer as a tool for social change. The club established hundreds of soccer schools in low socio-economic neighborhoods, serving 20,000 children in all sectors of Israel–including new immigrants, Arabs and Druze, those with special needs, boarding schools, and sheltered workshops for at-risk youths.

Theumim was editor of DARBAN, Israel's national student newspaper, as well as editor of and journalist for Yediot Ha'achronot, Israel's leading daily newspaper.

Between 1965 and 1985, he was very active in the Israeli scout movement, serving five years as an emissary to Young Judea in the western United States, and more than a dozen years as a national Scout leader.

A Chair for Communications in Moshe Theumim's name was established at Tel Aviv University, recognizing his contributions to the communications and media sector of Israel.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually, honoring those individuals who have made significant contributions to the State of Israel and society through sports.

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