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Sport: Media
Inducted: 1989
Country: Italy
Born: July 11, 1912
Died: March 12, 2006


Massimo Della Pergola was secretary general of the International Sports Press Association from 1977 to 1988 and since 1989 has been the organization’s vice president. As Italy’s premier sports journalist, he has contributed to more than 65 newspapers and periodicals and to Italian and international radio, television, and press agencies.

Della Pergola has reported 11 Summer Olympic Games, 3 Winter Olympics, and 11 World Soccer Cups.

In 1946, as editor-in-chief of the Milan Newspaper Gazetta dello Sport, he founded the organization that launched Totocalcio—the football (soccer) pools system—to finance Italy’s national soccer program and the Italian Olympic Committee. He is also founder of the Italian Sporting Press Union and has served or currently serves in a variety of capacities in the Italian and world sports community.

Della Pergola is a Grande Officiale of the Republic of Italy, recipient of the Prize of the International Universities Sports Federation. He coined the name “ Universiades” for the World University Championships. He has received the City of Milan gold medal and numerous other honors.

Since 1960, Massimo has been president of the Italian Maccabi Federation and, from 1961 to 1989, was the organizer of every Italian Maccabi Team competing in the World Maccabiah Games in Israel.

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