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Year Honored: 2007
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA


Los Angeles philanthropist Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer, president of the Ben B. and Joyce E. Eisenberg Foundation, provided significant financial support to the Israel Tennis Centers/Israel Children’s Centers. Since the early 1980s, the Foundation has endowed many ITC/ICC projects, including development of the Ben and Joyce Eisenberg Children’s Tennis Center in Jerusalem.

For more than two decades, Mrs. Eisenberg-Keefer’s philanthropy has also benefited medical and educational facilities in Israel and the United States, such as: the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot), pediatric wing and thoracic care unit at Shaare Zedek Hospital (Jerusalem), Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer Breast Center at the John Wayne Cancer Institute-St. Johns Hospital (Santa Monica, CA), and Eisenberg Village and Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer Medical Center at the Jewish Home For The Aging (Reseda, CA).

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually, honoring those individuals who have made significant contributions to the State of Israel and society through sports.

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