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Year Honored: 2000
Location: Afeka, Israel


Joseph Luttenberg has been Israel’s dominant figure in the field of disabled sports during the second half of the twentieth century. Most notably, he has headed the Israeli delegation to the Paralympic Games since 1960 and, beginning with its construction in 1974, has been director of the Beit Halochem Center in Tel Aviv.

Luttenberg was severely wounded in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. An original member of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization and the first chairman of its Sports Committee, Luttenberg became ZDVO’s national chairman in 1987, a post he continues to hold with the now 50,000-member organization.

Luttenberg was the visionary behind the concept of the Beit Halochem rehabilitation centers. Today, in addition to the original facility in Tel Aviv, there are state-of-the-art centers in Haifa and Jerusalem. Together, the Beit Halochem centers serve nearly 10,000 veterans and their families.

As national chairman of the Israel Sports Association for the Disabled, Luttenberg led every Israeli team of competitors to the Paralympic Games since 1960. And, he was personally responsible for preparing Israel’s Paralympic teams for 17 years. Nearly half the 1,000 ISAD athletes who vie in 14 competitive sports are disabled veterans. Israel’s remarkable success at the Paralympics is attributable to ISAD and Beit Halochem’s outstanding training facilities.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually, honoring those individuals who have made significant contributions to the State of Israel and society through sports.

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