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Sport: Media
Inducted: 2006
Country: USA
Born: January 7, 1940


In 2001, New York Times sports feature writer-columnist Ira Berkow was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting for his article, “The Minority Quarterback” in the New York Times series, “How Race Is Lived in America”. He was also a Pulitizer finalist in 1988 for “distinguished commentary”.

Ira Berkow has been the only sportswriter featured for five decades (since 1969) in the highly regarded publication, Best American Sports Writing; and was featured in David Halberstam’s 1999 edition of The Best American Sports Writing of the Century.

A N.Y. Times writer-columnist since 1982, Berkow co-wrote the best-selling book, Hank Greenberg: The Story of My Life, which provided the foundation for the year-2000 award-winning documentary film: The Life & Times of Hank Greenberg.

Among the books Berkow has authored: Red: A Biography of Red Smith, Rockin Steady (Walt Frazier story), Court Vision, To The Hoop: The Seasons of a Basketball Life, The Gospel According to Casey (Casey Stengel), The Minority Quarterback & Other Lives In Sports (based upon his Pulitzer Prize winning NY Times article), and his memoir, Full Swing; Hits, Runs and Errors in a Writer’s Life.

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