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Sport: Boxing
Inducted: 2004
Country: USA
Born: April 15, 1920,


He is described by the New York Times as “the leading authority on the Sweet Science”, and nicknamed "Lord of the Ring" by the Miami New Times. Historian/journalist Hank Kaplan was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in October 1994.

Kaplan was editor of Boxing World magazine and Wide World of Boxing Digest, and has been a boxing consultant to Sport Illustrated for nearly 30 years, the London Times, Der Stern, and numerous other publications and broadcast media throughout the world.

Marveled by contemporaries as a “living encyclopedia of prize fighting”, Kaplan owns and maintains, arguably, the world’s largest private boxing library, and most extensive collection of boxing photographs and research resources.

Kaplan was the first elected president of the World Boxing Historians Association, and is permanent Chairman of the International Boxing Hall of Fame (Las Vegas, NV) Selection Committee.

In April 2003, the Boxing Writers Association of America conferred its James J. Walker Award upon Kaplan, recognizing his 50-plus years of “long and meritorious service to boxing.” He is also recipient of the 1999 Ray Arcel Award presented by Ring 8 of New York Veteran Boxers’ Association, and the 1999 Rochester Boxing Hall of Fame George Beahon Award. In 2004, Kaplan received the American Association of Professional Ringside Physicians (AAPRP) Award for “Outstanding Contribution to Boxing”.

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