IJSHOF Chairman, Jed Margolis, with the family of Grigori Gamarnik, January 16, 2023.

IJSHOF Chairman, Jed Margolis, with the family of Grigori Gamarnik, January 16, 2023.

This past Monday, I paid a visit to the family of Grigori Gamarnik one of our inductees in 2020. He passed away a few years ago, but after months of searching I was able to locate his daughter and son, and spouses, who live less than a half hour away in the Philadelphia area.

They regaled me with fascinating stories of Grigori’s incredible wrestling career and the impact he made during his time in Ukraine, in spite of rampant antisemitism. He received the highest honors in his sport and deserves to be in the International Wrestling Hall of Fame. Yet we are honored to have honored him this past July. It was an afternoon well spent.

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