With great pride we present to you the 2023 class of Inductees for the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. This is now public information so please feel free to share this good news. Each of the honorees was very touched and felt honored.
Our next induction ceremony is slated for July 8, 2025 just before the next Maccabiah Games in Israel. I hope you are able to join us. As part of the ceremony, we will be honoring those great Jewish athletes that were lost in the Holocaust plus those who survived and went onto sports greatness. Some amazing and inspiring stories.
Our inductees are as follows: Rudi Ball, Germany – Ice Hockey; Chris Berman, USA – Media; David Blatt, USA/Israel – Basketball; Deena Drossin Kastor, USA – Track & Field; Ilona Elek-Schacherer, Hungary – Fencing; John Frank, USA – Football; Merrill Moses, USA – Water Polo; Moran Samuel, ISR – Rowing; Mordechai Spiegler, Israel – Soccer; Dwight Stones, USA – Track; and Ariel “Arik” Ze’evi, Israel – Judo.
For 2023 our Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient is Stuart Weitzman USA (NYC) and our Award of Excellence Recipients are Ephraim Moxson USA (LA) and Shel Wallman USA (NYC).
Please visit their bio pages from our honoree directory to learn more about each recipient. These pages will be posted by January 27, 2023.